Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Things That Have Been Pissing Me Off Lately...

I've been in a bit of a pissy mood as of late. No personal drama going on or anything of that sort, but lately I've just found myself getting automatically pissed off at random times of the day over various things.

Things that have been pissing me off lately include, but are not limited to:

College freshmen

Douche bags that live in their parent's basements that have more PS3 trophies than I do

Douche bags with popped collars

Douche bags that cause other Italians to be labeled as "guidos" even when they're not (ahem)

Douche bags in general


Timothy Patrick Snyder

94 WYSP for playing the exact same shit for the past decade

AT&T for wanting to charge me out the ass for getting an iPhone

The job market

People who get drunk and feel the urge to sing

The kid who shot me in the ass tonight with a fucking Nerf gun

People who type on their laptops in coffee shops

The asshole who took my lighter

People who give me weird looks on the bus/subway when I'm playing Mario Kart on my DS. Go fuck yourself

Michael Bay for making another Transformers movie

Shia LaDouche for being in another Transformers movie

My comic book script for seeming a lot better as an idea in my head than it is when put to paper

...that's all for now, but I assure you that there will be more!

Suck it!

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